What is Work Placement?
Placement is a planned opportunity that enables students to gain hands-on experience and develop their industry skills through supervised work in a real organisation. As an employer, work placement provides a number of opportunities and benefits that may positively impact your business and the industry you work in. This includes:
- Providing opportunities for new talent to enter the industry
- Shaping and upskilling the next generation of workers
- Providing supervision and leadership opportunities to current employees
- Increasing staffing levels with minimal cost as part of a cost-effective recruitment strategy
Eligibility Requirements
At REACH for Training we are always looking for new work placement opportunities for our students. With over 30 nationally recognised courses, across a wide range of industries, REACH welcome all work placement enquiries. To be eligible to host a work placement student, employers must:
- Be able to provide opportunities that are relevant to the student’s area of study
- Be willing to provide direct supervision and support in line with the students Work Placement program
- Comply with Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation
- Comply with relevant industry legislation and codes of practice

How Does it Work?
At REACH for Training we encourage students to contact employers directly about work placement opportunities. We believe this provides students with the skills needed to actively seek employment once they have completed their qualification. Although students are encouraged to find their own work placement, REACH will still provide support and, where possible, will provide a list of employers who have expressed interest in hosting a work placement student.
Employers who have expressed interest in hosting a work placement student, will be provided with a Work Placement pack which includes a Work Placement Agreement. The agreement will identify who is undertaking the work placement, in what organisation, for how long and as part of what qualification.
It will also outline the responsibilities of the student, the host organisation and REACH for Training. Employers will also be given a copy of REACH for Training’s insurance and any relevant student certificates or checks e.g. police check, working with children check, First Aid, RSA or RCG.
As each organisation and industry is different, employers have the opportunity to negotiate flexible work placement hours. This means that work placement can be completed over consecutive shifts or across a number of different days and times. However, if an employer and student have agreed to a flexible work placement period, it is important to ensure that the student will still receive adequate supervision.
Whilst hosting a work placement student, employers are required to provide supervision and support in line with the Work Placement program and sign off on the work and hours completed by the student. Host employers are also encouraged to provide feedback throughout the work placement and are welcome to contact REACH if any questions or concerns arise.